Campaign Insight:
The New Zealand Vegemite Spelling Bee
The challenge was to create an ongoing event that had strong synergy with Vegemite’s strap line ‘Bright, Attentive Minds’ and one that would generate significant publicity. With Vegemite being a good source of vitamin B, essential for correct functioning of the brain and nervous system, especially in children, sponsorship of the New Zealand Spelling Bee provided a real recipe for success.
The heavily branded national competition received massive media coverage including television (TVNZ 6pm News, Campbell Live, Good Morning, What Now), radio interviews (Newstalk ZB with Mike Hoskings, Radio Live with Maggie Barrie), press articles (Sunday Star Times, Herald on Sunday, Dominion Post, Waikato Times), as well as magazines and numerous suburban newspapers.
The Spelling Bee concept is now recognised as the perfect fit for Vegemite. As the annual New Zealand Vegemite Spelling Bee grows, so will Vegemite’s brand association and loyalty.